How To Grow Watermelons In A Greenhouse – 5 Easy Steps!

how to grow watermelons in a greenhouse

Watermelons are a summertime favorite, and people love them because it keeps the body cool, hydrated, and energized all summer long. In some parts of the world, watermelons are eaten as a dessert, while they are used as a main dish in other places. Regardless of where you are, watermelons are nutritious fruit that should be eaten in moderation. This article will teach you how to grow watermelons in a greenhouse.

The easiest way to grow watermelons in a greenhouse is to start with seeds. You can find watermelon seeds at most garden stores or online. If you don’t want to start from scratch, you can also buy transplants from a nursery or plant shop. 

What is Green House Farming?:

Photo by www.zanda. photography on Unsplash

Before going into our main topic, “How To Grow Watermelons In A Greenhouse,” we should know what Green House Farming is? Greenhouse farming is a type of agriculture that uses glass, plastic, metal, or other transparent materials to protect plants from the environment. In simple words, It is the practice of growing plants in a controlled environment. This type of farming allows growers to cultivate plants more precisely and ensure that they receive the correct amount of sunlight, water, and nutrients. This type of farming is used to grow plants that are difficult to grow in the open air, such as tomatoes, peppers, and flowers. Greenhouse farming is also used to cultivate plants that are not native to cold climates, such as grapes and citrus fruits. Greenhouse farming is becoming increasingly popular because it is more efficient than traditional farming methods, and it helps preserve natural resources. Although greenhouse farming can be used to grow a wide variety of plants, it is primarily used to cultivate fruits and vegetables.

The Benefits of Green House Farming:

There are many benefits to greenhouse farming. Some of the benefits include:

1) It is more efficient than traditional methods of farming.

2) It helps to preserve natural resources.

3) It is easier to control the environment than traditional farming methods.

4) It is more precise than traditional methods of farming.

5) It is more sustainable than traditional methods of farming.

How To Grow Watermelons In A Greenhouse:

Watermelons are a delicious fruit that can be enjoyed any time of year. Growing them in a greenhouse is a great way to have fresh watermelons. There are many different types of watermelon plants available, so choosing the right one for your climate and growing conditions is essential. Once you have selected the watermelon plant, here are the five steps that will answer our main question about how to grow watermelons in a greenhouse. Follow them and have your watermelons grown in a greenhouse.

Step 1: Choose the Right Location:

When selecting the right location for your watermelon greenhouse, it is essential to consider the climate in which you live. Regions with a warm environment will require a warmer greenhouse than regions with a cold climate. Additionally, you will want to consider the amount of sunlight that your location receives. A place that receives lots of daylight will need a more intensive greenhouse than a location that receives less sunlight. If you live in an area with cold winters, you may want to choose a location that faces south or east so that it gets plenty of sunlight during the day. If you live in an area with hot summers, choose a location that faces north or west so that the sun doesn’t hit the greenhouse too hard during the day.

Once you have determined the appropriate location, it’s time to build the greenhouse. When creating your watermelon greenhouse, it is essential to ensure that the structure is sturdy. You will also want to make sure that the greenhouse has a sound ventilation system so that the temperatures inside are comfortable. Additionally, you will want to make sure that the greenhouse has a good roof to have enough shade for your plants.

Step 2: Choose the Right Soil:

Choosing the suitable soil for watermelons is essential to their success. The best soil for watermelons contains a good amount of organic matter and is well-drained. Sandy soils are best, but any soil will work provided it is well-mixed before planting. Watermelons need plenty of moisture, so choose a soil that drains well. Like other crops, watermelon requires nitrogen-rich soil with a pH of 6.0 to 6.5 to grow well.

Step 3: Get the Right Tools:

When it comes to growing watermelons in a greenhouse, you will need the right tools. Here is the list of those tools that you require:

1. A watermelon rake is essential for raking the fruit.

2. A hoe is perfect for breaking up the soil and helping to direct water and nutrients to the plants.

3. A watering can is essential for ensuring that the plants receive enough water.

4. A cultivator is perfect for turning the soil and helping to aerate it.

5. A trellis is a necessary piece of equipment for fruit trees. It helps support the tree and provide shade while the fruit is being grown.

Step 4: Plant Your Watermelon Seeds or Bulbs:

Watermelon in the greenhouse can be grown from seeds or transplants. If you are growing watermelons from seeds, you will need to sow the seeds in well-drained soil in early spring. When planting watermelon seeds, be sure to soak them overnight before planting because this will help to increase their germination rate. Plant the seeds 1-2 inches apart. Make sure to keep the soil moist until the plants emerge. Once the plants have emerged, water them regularly and watch for pests. When the fruit is ready, pick it up and enjoy!

If you are growing watermelons from transplants, be sure to choose healthy plants that have been grown in well-drained soil. Watermelon transplants should be planted 2-3 inches deep and 6-8 inches away from other plants. Plant your transplants in late winter or early spring and water them regularly while growing. When they are ready to harvest, cut them down and enjoy!

Step 5: Water and Fertilize Your Plants:

The fifth and final step in growing watermelons in a greenhouse is to water and fertilize your plants. Watering is essential because it helps keep the plants healthy and hydrated. Fertilizing is also essential, as it allows the plants to grow and produce fruit. Follow these steps to ensure a successful harvest:

1) Check the soil moisture level with a soil moisture meter or finger probe before watering your plants. Make sure the soil is wet but not soggy. Too much moisture can lead to root rot or other problems, so err on the side of caution.

2) Once you’ve determined that the soil needs watering, use a can or hose to water your plants’ roots generously. Make sure to apply enough water so that the soil is wet but not soggy.

3) Wait a few minutes until the plants have had a chance to absorb the water before watering the leaves.

4) Recheck the soil moisture level after watering the leaves. The soil should be wet but not soggy if it’s still too dry; water again.

5) Fertilize your plants regularly with a balanced garden fertilizer (at half strength unless you are using an organic fertilizer). Follow the directions on the package carefully. Too much fertilizer can lead to overgrowth and problems.


Greenhouse Watermelon Growing Tips:

how to grow watermelon in a green house
Photo Credit:

Here are five easy tips for growing watermelons in a greenhouse:

1. Choose the right type of soil:

If you’re using a potting mix, make sure it has plenty of nutrients and drainage. Watermelon roots can get bogged down in heavy soils, so make sure the mixture is light enough to work well with a spade or fork.

2. Fertilize regularly:

A watermelon plant needs fertilizer every two weeks during the early stages of growth. Later on, you’ll only need to fertilize once a month as the plant begins to produce fruit.

3. Make room for the crop:

Watermelons need plenty of room to grow. If you don’t have enough space, you’ll end up with skinny watermelons or fruit that’s too small to eat.

4. Protect the plants from cold weather:

Watermelons are susceptible to frost damage, so erect a sturdy greenhouse cover during the winter months.

5. Keep an eye on pests and diseases:

Pests and diseases can be a problem when growing watermelon in a greenhouse, so it’s essential to watch them and take appropriate action.


If you are looking for how to grow watermelons in a greenhouse, there are a few things you will need to do to make the process as smooth and successful as possible. Follow these five easy steps, and you will be growing watermelons like a pro within no time! Keep in mind that the temperature and humidity levels in a greenhouse will differ from what you are used to, so be sure to adjust as necessary.

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