10 Plants That Absorb Urine Smell And Keep Your Home Clean And Fresh

Plants That Absorb Urine Smell

The smell of urine can be incredibly unpleasant, whether it’s from a human or a pet. When urine is left to sit, the ammonia in it can produce a strong smell that can be very hard to get rid of. Many methods can be used to remove the smell of urine from a surface, from using vinegar and baking soda to using plants that absorb urine odor. But here we are going to focus on the plants that are known to be the best at removing bad odor.

Some of these plants will work better for removing different smells, so it’s important to test them out before putting them in an area where urine is likely to be encountered. But overall, these are some of the best plants for removing bad odor and keeping your home clean and fresh.

What is urine and why does it smell so bad:

Urine is a liquid waste product that is excreted by the kidneys. Urine has a distinctive smell that is often unpleasant for people to tolerate. The main reason why urine smells bad is that it contains urea. Urea is a compound that is produced when the body breaks down protein. When urea breaks down, it produces a strong ammonia smell. When urine is left to sit, the ammonia in it can produce a strong smell that can be very hard to get rid of.

Harmful Effects of Urine Smell:

There are many harmful effects of urine smell, both to humans and the environment. Urine is a major source of nitrogen and phosphorus, which are two key nutrients for plants. However, when urine is left to decompose, it releases these nutrients into the air, where they can be breathed in by humans and animals. This can lead to respiratory problems, as well as other health problems. Additionally, the released nutrients can pollute waterways and damage plant life.

Thankfully, several plants can help absorb the smell, and keep your home clean and fresh.

10 Plants That Absorb Urine Smell:

Whether you’re a pet owner and want to get rid of the bad smell of your pet’s urine, or you are looking for ways to get rid of bathroom smell, these plants work great to remove that awful smell from any area! You can grow them indoors or outdoors, and they are all relatively easy to care for and will serve to remove the unwanted smell from your home.

01: Peace Lily:

Peace Lily Absorb Urine Smell
Photo by Lan Gao on Unsplash

If you’re looking for a plant that can help remove bathroom urine odor, the peace lily may be a good option. This plant is known for its ability to remove various airborne toxins from the air, including pee or potty smell. The plant does this by absorbing the toxins through its leaves and then breaking them down into harmless substances. This is an effective way to get rid of odors, and it is a great choice for people who are sensitive to smells. Additionally, the Peace Lily is easy to care for plants and can be kept indoors or outdoors.

02: English Ivy:

Photo by Boldizsar Bednarik on Unsplash

English Ivy is a climbing plant that is often used as a decoration in homes and gardens. It is an ideal plant to have in areas where people often urinate, such as public restrooms. It can also remove other types of bad smells, such as smoke or gasoline, and purify the air. Simply place an Ivy plant in the area where the odor is strongest, and it will begin to absorb the smell. English ivy is a fast-growing plant that can be planted indoors or outdoors.

 03: Lemongrass:

Lemongrass Absorb Urine Smell
Image by https://gardenerspath.com

Lemongrass is known as a strong fragrant plant. This is because lemongrass contains citral, which is a compound known for its ability to neutralize odors. To use lemongrass to absorb urine smells, simply place a plant in the area that needs to be cleaned, and leave it there for a few days. The lemongrass will absorb the odor over time, leaving the area smelling fresh and clean.

04: Boston Fern:

Photo by Unknown Wong on Unsplash

The Boston fern is an effective houseplant for removing bad odor from the air and purifying the air. This is because the Boston fern contains a compound known as cysteine. Cysteine can break down odors, including those that are associated with urine and pet odors. Boston ferns can be grown indoors or outdoors, making them a good choice for both large and small areas. Additionally, Ferns are a great choice for a bathroom because they thrive in moisture-rich environments. They are easy to care for and add a touch of greenery to any space.

05: Lemon Balm:

Melissa officinalis
Photo by Victor Serban on Unsplash

Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) is a fragrant herb that can be used to mask the smell of urine. The plant has a strong lemon scent that can help to cover up any unpleasant odors. Lemon balm is also known for its ability to soothe and calm the nerves, making it an ideal plant to have around when you need to use the restroom. With all these benefits, lemon balm is a great choice for anyone looking to reduce the smell of pee.

06: Mint:

Mint Plant
Photo by Eleanor Chen on Unsplash

Mint plants are known for their ability to absorb strong smells, which makes them ideal for removing urine smells. To use a mint plant to remove urine smells, simply place the plant in the affected area. The mint plant will absorb the urine stink over time, leaving your home smelling fresh and clean. Mint can be easily grown in a pot or the ground and in several different environments, so it is a great plant for removing bad odor from any area.

07: Rose:

Photo Credit: www.freepik.com

Rose is a beautiful flowering plant that is known for its ability to ward off bad smells. The bloom of the rose is very fragrant that can cover up any unpleasant odor. Moreover, the rose leaves are filled with a compound known as rosin, which is effective in breaking down odor-causing molecules. To use a rose plant to remove urine smells, simply place it in the area that needs cleaning. The rose will absorb unwanted bad smells like the smell of dogs’ and cats’ urine over time, leaving your home smelling fresh and clean.

 08: Sage:

sage plant
Image by Hans from Pixabay

Sage is a popular choice for masking bathroom smells because of its strong fragrance. The plant is also known for its ability to absorb odors, making it an effective odor eliminator. You can use sage to remove urine stinks from your home by planting the sage in the area that needs cleaning. The sage will absorb the urine stink over time, leaving your home smelling fresh and clean. Additionally, sage is a good plant to have around if you have smokers in your home because it helps to reduce the amount of smoke that gets into the air.

09: Jasmine:

Jasmine is a flowering plant that is known for its beautiful and fragrant flowers. The plant is also known for its ability to absorb odors, making it an effective tool for removing bad smells. This wonderful plant can be placed in an area that needs cleaning, and it will remove all the stink in a very short time. Not only is jasmine effective at getting rid of unpleasant smells, but it’s also easy to care for and can thrive in both indoor and outdoor environments.

10: Lady Palm:

Image by https://www.thespruce.com

 Lady palm is a great plant to use if you want to eliminate the smell of pee, smoke, benzene, or other unpleasant odors. The plant is easy to care for and doesn’t require a lot of water, making it a low-maintenance option. You can place the lady palm in the area that needs to be cleaned and it will absorb the bad smells over time. Additionally, the plant is known for its ability to improve air quality, making your home smell great.

So whether you’re looking for a plant that will absorb the smell of pee from a human or cats and dogs, or you just want to remove any unwanted odors from your home, these are some of the best plants for the job.

Final Words:

These are some of the best plants that absorb urine smell and other bad odors from a space. Whether you’re looking for a plant that will absorb the smell over time or one that is easy to care for, these options are ideal for those who want to keep their home clean and fresh. Moreover, these house plants can also help you in hiding carpet pee stains. As I mentioned before, choosing the right plant for the job is important, so be sure to read the reviews and select the perfect option for your needs.

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