How to Grow Moringa Indoors And Care For Perfect Results

How to Grow Moringa Indoors

If you want to add good-looking and nutrient-rich landscaping to your home, you may want to try growing a moringa tree. Moringa oleifera commonly referred to as the “Miracle Tree” or “Super Food”, is an incredibly versatile and nutritious plant that can be grown both indoors and outdoors. Other common names for moringa are drumstick tree, horseradish tree, ben oil tree, and benzolive tree. Native to the sub-Himalayan regions of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan, this tree is now grown in many tropical and subtropical regions around the world.

Benefits of Growing Moringa Tree Indoors:

1. Improved Nutrition: Moringa is an incredibly nutrient-dense plant, containing vitamins A, B, C, D, and E, as well as minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, and zinc.

2. Easy to Grow: Moringa is a relatively easy plant to grow indoors due to its fast growth rate.

3. Low Maintenance: Moringa requires minimal maintenance and can be grown in any type of soil.

4. Can Be Used as a Natural Remedy: Moringa can be used as a natural remedy for various ailments, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and digestive issues.

5. Can Be Used as a Supplement: Moringa can be taken as a supplement to boost overall health and nutrition.

6. Improves Air Quality: Moringa helps to improve air quality by removing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen.

7. Aesthetic Benefits: Moringa adds an attractive addition to any home or office with its lush foliage and fragrant flowers.

Can Moringa Tree Grow Indoors?

Yes, with proper care and attention, moringa trees can be grown indoors. In order for a moringa tree to grow well indoors, it needs to be planted in nutrient-rich soil, kept in an area with plenty of sunlight, and watered regularly. Moringa prefers full sun but can tolerate some shade. It also needs to be kept in temperatures between 75 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit.

How to Grow Moringa Indoors:

Suitable Conditions for Growing Moringa:


Moringa trees need plenty of sunlight to grow strong and healthy. If you’re growing them indoors, make sure to place them in an area that receives at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day. You can also supplement natural sunlight with artificial grow lights to ensure your moringa tree is getting enough light. It’s important to note that moringa trees need a period of darkness as well, so don’t leave the lights on for too long.


When growing moringa indoors, it is important to use the right kind of soil for the best results. The soil should be nutrient-rich and well-draining, with a pH between 6 and 7. A combination of garden soil, compost, manure, and sand is ideal for growing moringa indoors. If you’re using a container to grow your moringa, make sure to use a potting mix designed for containers.


Moringa trees need to be watered regularly, but not excessively. When the top inch of soil is dry, water your moringa tree until the soil is moist. Make sure not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot. You should also be mindful of the temperature of the water, as colder water can shock the plant. The ideal temperature for watering moringa is between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

Growing Moringa Indoors from Seeds:

1: Choose Your Moringa Seeds:

In the First step, you have to select your moringa seeds. When selecting moringa seeds, it is important to choose the right ones for indoor growing. Look for seeds that are uniform in size, shape, and color and have no visible signs of damage. Avoid seeds that are discolored, wrinkled, or have visible splits or cracks. It is also a good idea to purchase seeds from a reputable supplier to ensure their quality and viability.

2: Soak the Seeds in Water:

Soaking moringa seeds in water before planting is important for several reasons. Soaking helps to soften the seed coat, which makes it easier for the seed to germinate and root. Soaking also helps to remove any potential contaminants from the seeds, such as bacteria or fungi. Finally, soaking helps to provide the seeds with enough moisture to encourage germination and promote rapid root growth. To soak the seeds, place them in a bowl of lukewarm water and let them soak for 12-24 hours. Make sure to change the water every few hours to keep it fresh. After soaking, the seeds should be ready to be planted.

3: Place the Seeds in a Paper Bag:

After soaking the moringa seeds, it is important to place them in a paper bag to dry. Placing the seeds in a paper bag helps to absorb any excess moisture and helps to prevent the seeds from rotting before they are planted. Make sure to leave the seeds in the paper bag for at least 24 hours before planting them.

4: Plant the Seeds:

Once the moringa seeds have been soaked and dried, they are ready to be planted. For best results, plant the seeds in nutrient-rich soil that is well-draining and has a pH between 6 and 7. If you’re using a container, make sure to use a potting mix designed for containers. Plant the seeds about 1/4 inch deep, making sure to space them at least 4 inches apart. It can take up to two weeks for the moringa seeds to germinate, so be patient and avoid over-watering. After the seeds have germinated, it is important to thin out the seedlings to ensure that they have enough space to grow.

5: Transplant into individual Pots:

Once your moringa seedlings have grown to at least three inches tall, they are ready to be transplanted into individual pots. When transplanting, make sure to use a potting mix designed for containers and a pot that is at least 8 inches in diameter. When transplanting, gently remove the seedlings from their original container and place them in the new pot. Make sure to give each seedling plenty of space, as overcrowding can stunt their growth. After transplanting, water your moringa seedlings until the soil is slightly moist, but avoid over-watering.

Growing Moringa Plants from Cutting:

Growing moringa from cuttings is a great way to get a head start on growing your own moringa tree. Cuttings are a type of asexual reproduction, where a piece of the plant is taken and used to create a new plant. This method is especially useful for plants that are difficult to grow from seed.

1: Preparing the Cuttings:

When growing moringa from cuttings, it is important to take special care of the cutting to ensure that it grows properly. The cutting should be taken from a mature, healthy moringa tree. The process of gathering cuttings should begin when the mother tree stops producing pods. Freshly pruned branches can also be used as cuttings. It should be at least 10-15 cm long and have at least three nodes or leaf buds. Make sure to remove any damaged or Diseased tissue. The cutting should be placed in a jar of water and left to soak for several hours before planting.

2: Planting the Cuttings:

Once the cutting has been prepared, it is ready to be planted. It should be planted in well-draining, nutrient-rich soil. Plant the cutting at least 4 inches deep, making sure that the nodes are facing upwards. Water the soil after planting and keep it moist until the cutting has rooted.

Moringa Care:

Temperature and Humidity:

Moringa plants thrive in warm, humid climates with temperatures ranging between 25 and 35 C (77 to 95 F). Moringa plants prefer warm temperatures and high humidity. In areas with lower temperatures, the plants should be protected from frost. Moringa plants also prefer high humidity, so it is important to mist the plants regularly or keep them in a humid environment. It is also important to keep the soil consistently moist, as too much or too little water can cause the plants to suffer.


Moringa trees do not require much fertilizer to grow. Manure or compost can be used to provide the tree with additional nutrients. If more fertilizer is needed, balanced fertilizer with equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium should be used. It is important to fertilize the tree in the spring and summer months when it is actively growing. Too much fertilizer can cause the tree to suffer, so only use a small amount. Organic fertilizers, such as fish emulsion or seaweed extract, can also be used to provide the tree with the necessary nutrients. 


Pruning is an important part of caring for a moringa tree and should be done regularly. Pruning should be done in the late winter or early spring before the tree begins to bud. Pruning can be done with pruning shears or a pruning saw. It is important to remove dead or diseased branches, as well as branches that are too close together. Pruning can also be used to shape the tree and prevent it from becoming too tall or too wide. Pruning can also be used to control the size of the tree and encourage it to produce more fruit. When pruning, it is important to cut just above the node, or where the branch meets the stem, to ensure that the tree will heal properly.


Photo by Sean Foster on Unsplash

Mulching moringa trees are an important part of care. Mulch helps to retain moisture in the soil, regulate soil temperature, and prevent weed growth. It is best to mulch around the base of the moringa tree in early spring or late fall, using organic materials such as grass clippings, straw, or shredded leaves. Make sure to keep the mulch at least 3 inches away from the trunk to prevent rot.

Common Pests and Plant Diseases of Moringa:

Moringa plants are susceptible to a range of common pests and plant diseases, including mealybugs, aphids, whiteflies, root rot, and powdery mildew. To prevent these problems, it is important to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged and to maintain adequate air circulation around the plant. Additionally, it is best to inspect the plant regularly for signs of pests or disease, such as yellowed or wilted leaves. If any problems are spotted, they should be treated quickly with insecticides or fungicides as appropriate. With proper care, moringa plants can thrive when grown indoors.

Common Problems With Moringa:

Root Rot:

It is caused by over-watering or waterlogged soil. This can lead to the roots of the tree becoming rotted and eventually dying. To prevent this, it is important to water the tree only when the soil is dry, and avoid overwatering.

Fruit and/or Twig Rot:

This is a fungal disease that can occur if the tree is exposed to too much moisture. To prevent this, it is important to ensure that the tree is not exposed to excessively wet conditions, such as frequent rains or heavy dews.


Canker is a fungal disease that can cause lesions and dead spots on the leaves and stems of the moringa tree. This can be prevented by avoiding overcrowding, providing adequate air circulation, and avoiding wetting the leaves of the tree during watering. Additionally, if the tree is infected with a canker, it is important to prune off any affected branches.

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