How To Sell Plants Locally – Top 12 Places

Looking to unload some extra plants? You’re not alone—according to a report from the National Gardening Association, nearly one in three households in the U.S. are participating in some form of gardening, whether it be planting flowers, and vegetables, or simply keeping a few potted plants around the house. But when it comes time to get rid of your extra greenery, you may be wondering where the best place is to take them. In this article, we’ll outline how to sell plants locally, whether you’re looking to make a bit of extra cash or just want to help out the environment. 

Why Sell Your Plants Locally and not Online?

There are a few reasons why selling your plants locally is a better option than selling them online. For one, you can be sure that the person you’re selling to is actually interested in plants, and you won’t have to worry about shipping or delivery. You’ll also be able to establish a rapport with the buyer, which can make future transactions easier. Finally, you can be sure that the plants you’re selling are in good condition when you sell them in person – online, there’s always the risk that they’ll be damaged in transit.

What to Grow and Sell Locally:

If you’re looking to make some extra money by selling plants, you’ll need to know what grows well in your area and is in demand. Research your local market to see what kinds of plants are popular and consider growing a few different varieties to appeal to a wider range of buyers. The selection of plants depends not only on the market demand but also on the size of your garden. For instance, if you have a small space in your backyard, you may not be able to grow as many types of plants as someone with a larger yard. You should also keep in mind the price range because profit margins can be different for different types of plants. So try to grow plants that are in high demand and that you can sell at a higher price with good profit margins.

How To Sell Plants Locally

In modern days, there are a number of easy ways to sell your plants online like Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, and even your own website. But selling plants online is not the only option. In fact, there are a number of great places to sell your plants locally:

01: Plant Nurseries:

Image by ArthurHidden on Freepik

Selling plants to local nurseries is a great option. Just be sure to do your research first and find out what type of plants they’re looking for. Once you’ve done that, simply take your plants to the nursery and tell them how much you’re looking to sell them for. They’ll likely haggle with you a bit, but as long as you stick to your price you should be able to get a fair amount of money for your plants. Before you go to the nursery, make sure you have a good selection of healthy plants that you’re willing to part with.

02: Local Farmer’s Markets:

Image by Martin Winkler from Pixabay

If you’re looking for a place to sell your plants locally, look no further than your local farmer’s market. According to the USDA, there are 8,600 farmer’s markets currently operating in the United States, which means there’s likely one near you.

The process for selling at a farmer’s market varies from market to market, but generally, you’ll need to register as a vendor and pay a fee. Once you’re registered, you’ll be able to set up your stall and start selling. The most important thing to remember when selling at a farmer’s market is to have a good selection of plants that are well-priced and in good condition. It’s also important to be friendly and engaging with customers, as they’re more likely to buy from someone they enjoy talking to.

According to the Farmer’s Market Coalition, the average farmer’s market generates $30,000 in sales per week. So if you’re looking for a place to sell your plants, a farmer’s market is a great option.

03: Parks and Recreation Facilities:

Parks and recreational facilities are always looking for ways to improve their landscapes. They often turn to home growers for help in finding unique and hard-to-find plants. By selling homegrown plants to these facilities, growers can earn a good profit while also helping to improve the appearance of these parks and recreation areas.

If you’re a home grower looking to sell your plants to parks and recreation facilities, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of success. First, make sure you’re offering a competitive price. Second, ensure that you can deliver the plants in a timely manner. And finally, remember that quality is key – parks and recreation facilities want plants that are healthy, pest- and disease-free, and attractive.

04: Greenhouses:

Image by Freepik

Local greenhouses are always in need of fresh stock, so why not sell them your surplus? Just be sure to do your research first and find out what kinds of plants the greenhouses are looking for. With a little effort, you can easily unload your extra greenery and make a profit in the process. To sell your plants through a local greenhouse, you’ll have to make a list of the greenhouse near you, and find out what kind of plants they’re looking for and at what price. If you have their required plants, you can sell them straight to the greenhouse.

05: Secondhand Stores:

The number of secondhand stores in the U.S. has increased in recent years, as has the number of people shopping at them. This is likely due to a combination of factors, including the increasing popularity of thrifting, the growing awareness of the environmental impacts of fast fashion, and the current economic climate.

Secondhand stores are great places to sell plants, flowers, and plant accessories. Because of high customer traffic, these stores often offer good prices on plants and flowers. To sell your plants in second-hand stores, you have to do a little bit of research about what kind of plants and flowers are popular at the store, and find a price point that’s comfortable for you.

06: HomeDepots:

If you have plants that you no longer need, you can sell them at Home Depot. This is a great way to get rid of surplus plants and make some extra money. Home Depot is a large retailer that sells a variety of products, including plants. This means that there is a good chance that someone will be interested in buying your plants. When selling plants at Home Depot, it is important to price them reasonably, ensure that they are healthy and look presentable, and create attractive displays.

07: Yard Sales:

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

If you’re looking for a place to sell your plants without having to go through a lot of hassle, consider selling your plants at a yard sale. According to the National Association of Yard Sales, there are an estimated 9 million yard sales held annually in the United States. If you are looking to sell your plants quickly and for a reasonable price, yard sales are the perfect option for you.

Here are a few tips to help you sell your plants successfully:

-Price your plants reasonably. Don’t try to make a huge profit on each plant, or no one will buy them.

-Make sure your plants are healthy and look presentable. Nobody wants to buy a wilted plant that’s about to die.

-Create attractive displays for your plants using pots, trellises, or other garden accessories. This will make them more appealing to buyers.

-Advertise your yard sale in advance so people know when and where to find it. You can use online classifieds, put up flyers in local businesses, or tell your friends and neighbors about it.

08: Churches and Community Centers:

Image by Michelle Raponi from Pixabay

Churches and community centers often have gardens that need fresh fruit and vegetables, flowers, and plants. If you’re a gardener and have extra plants that you no longer need, why not offer them to the church or community center? Just be sure to get in touch with the garden staff to find out what kind of plants they’re looking for, and at what price.

First, find a church or community center that you think would be interested in your plants. Then, contact the person in charge of purchasing or facilities and explain what you have to offer. Be sure to emphasize the quality of your plants and any special features they may have. Once you’ve made a sale, be sure to deliver the plants promptly and professionally. This is a great way to build goodwill with these organizations, and you may even end up making repeat customers!

09: Local Restaurants:

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Another good option for selling plants is to local restaurants. Again, it’s important to research which restaurants are interested in buying your plants and reach out to them directly. Try to set up a meeting so you can show them the plants first-hand and negotiate a price. You may also want to consider offering restaurant owners delivery options for their plants. 

Usually, it’s a good idea to price your plants lower than in garden centers, as restaurants are usually looking to save money. Once you have a deal in place, make sure to get a written agreement from the restaurant owner. 

10: Schools:

Image by F. Muhammad from Pixabay

Many local schools are in need of fresh vegetables, flowers, and fruit. Why not sell your plants to these schools? Not only will you be helping out a local school, but you will also be earning some extra money. Most gardeners don’t realize that they can sell their plants to a school. If you are interested in selling your plants to a local school, there are a few things to consider when selling plants to local schools. First, consider what type of plants the school is interested in. Many schools have gardens and are always in need of new plants. Second, consider the price of the plants. Many schools have a limited budget, so it is important to offer plants that are reasonably priced. Finally, consider the delivery of the plants. Many schools have a specific day or time that they need the plants delivered.

11: Public Libraries:

Geisel Library San Diego
Geisel Library San Diego

If you’re looking for a unique and fun way to sell your plants, consider selling them to local public libraries. Not only is this a great way to support your local community, but you can also reach a wider range of potential customers. Libraries are always looking for new and interesting items to add to their collections, so your plants are sure to be a hit! Plus, selling plants to libraries is a great way to promote literacy and environmental awareness.

12: Hospitals and Medical Centers:

Image by David Mark from Pixabay

Selling plants and flowers to hospitals and medical centers can be a great way to earn some extra income. Hospitals and medical centers are always in need of fresh flowers and plants to brighten up the space and provide a more calming atmosphere for patients and staff alike. 

If you’re interested in selling plants and flowers to hospitals and medical centers, there are a few things you’ll need to keep in mind. First, it’s important to only sell high-quality, fresh flowers and plants. Second, you’ll need to be able to provide a steady supply of new flowers and plants as hospital staff will want to keep the space looking fresh. Finally, it’s important to be flexible with your prices as hospitals and medical centers may have budget constraints that they need to work within.

How To Pick The Right Place To Sell Your Plants Locally:

To find the right place to sell your plants locally, start by considering what type of plants you have and what type of buyer you’re looking for. If you have common houseplants, for example, you might try selling them at a farmer’s market or plant sale. If you have rare or valuable plants, on the other hand, you might try contacting a local nursery or garden center. Once you’ve decided where to sell your plants, be sure to do your research and find out what prices similar plants are selling for in your area.


If you have a green thumb and are looking to sell plants locally, there are many places out there where you can sell your plants on. You can sell your plants at farmers’ markets, plant nurseries, or even door-to-door. Selecting the right place to sell your plants can be tricky because it depends on the location and what people in that area are looking for. However, by doing some research, you should be able to find a place that is both convenient and profitable.


What are some good places to sell plants locally?

There are many different places where you can sell plants locally. Some good places to sell plants include farmers’ markets, plant nurseries, and even door-to-door.

How do I pick the right place to sell my plants?

When picking the right place to sell your plants, you will want to consider what type of plants you have and what type of buyer you’re looking for. If you have common houseplants, for example, you might try selling them at a farmer’s market or plant sale.

What should I do to prepare my plants for sale?

To prepare your plants for sale, you will want to make sure that they are healthy and free of pests. You will also want to trim any dead or dying leaves and stems. Finally, you will want to water your plants well so that they are healthy and vibrant.

How much should I charge for my plants?

There is no one answer to this question because pricing depends on the location, the type of plant, and the market conditions. However, you should aim to charge a price that is fair and reflects the quality of your plants.

Most popular plants to sell?

Some of the most popular plants to sell include succulents, cacti, air plants, and houseplants. These plants are all relatively easy to care for, which makes them ideal for people who don’t have a lot of time or space for a garden. They also don’t require a lot of water, so they’re perfect for people who live in areas with drought conditions.

Can you sell plants from your house?

Yes, you can sell plants from your house. You can set up a small business selling plants, or you can sell them online. There are many ways to sell plants, and you can find a method that suits you. You will need to invest some time and effort into growing and marketing your plants, but it can be a very rewarding experience.

Is it legal to sell plants from home?

Selling plants from home is legal and doesn’t need a license in most cases, but there may be some local regulations to check into. The best way to find out is to contact your local municipality or county clerk’s office. You may also need to get a business license if you plan on selling plants on a regular basis.

Where Should I sell my plants online or Locally?

When it comes to selling plants, you have two main options: online or locally. There are pros and cons to both, so it’s important to weigh your options before deciding which route to take.

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